Being Enneagram Informed

How the Enneagram Informs my Ministry

The irony of life is we think we are 'free,' whereas in truth we have a type structure and ego chained to our wrist leading us around.  The Enneagram is one way to help us find the way to our emancipation from the patterns that own and limit us.

I first encountered the Enneagram in the early 1990's.  I have to say it didn't really 'grab' me - but in 2006 I decided to do something about the way I always did things and had a hunch the Enneagram might help me towards change and a desire for self-actualisation.  The Enneagram became a life compass for me culminating in my desire to teach and practice its amazing wisdom.

I completed intensive training in the summer of 2018 and graduated first as an Enneagram Teacher in 2020 and as an Enneagram Practitioner in 2021.  The Enneagram now informs my ministry-.  I don't impose it on my directees - but I believe it helps me 'chime' with the things that constrain them.  You might choose to use it to navigate your terrain - but the terrain of our personality is yours and you might already have a good idea of how to navigate it.